Friday 5 December 2014

Christmas at ASDA !!! You won't be disappointed!

Today I took Miss Iz for a mummy & daughter shopping trip.  1st stop was our local Asda Living store. I do love a good mooch around Asda Living.  I always seem to stumble on some bargain, or exciting find.

Today, I noticed that Christmas had come to Asda! 
Now with 2 kids, Christmas has become mega exciting again. So when I see a Christmas section, I'm there! 

The selection was above & beyond what I've seen in any other store! There was tons. Plenty for whatever colour, theme, etc. you are going with.

First in my trolley was the crochet angel tree topper.  For years we've had a bog standard star that came in a set of baubles we got before we had the kiddies. I've wanted to 'upgrade' for a while, but never got around to it, or found one I've liked at a price I've liked. When I saw the angel, she was lovely.  Ok, I wasn't massively taken with the flower in her hands, but that would be easily removed. Otherwise I thought she was stunning.  And at only £5!  Who can argue!!

The tree decoration selection was HUGE!! I loved their candy style selection.  This was a tiny bit of it all........

They had lots of lights to chose from, and a great idea by Asda, they came in reusable clip lock tubs.  I've never seen this before, & I know how annoying it can be trying to push a load of lights back in a tiny box & it splitting!!   No more of that!!!

Next I found the nativity scene.  Mstr J has been a bit nativity crazy after playing the donkey in last years school performance. I knew he would love this, and I wasn't wrong!! His face lit up when he came home today & saw it waiting for him! Another bargain at only £12 for the whole set!!

My penultimate choice was a large snowman. I love a bit of Xmas magic. He's bristly & glittery & super cute. He measures about 12 inches high, maybe just under. Just too cute. And only £7!! Love it!!

Last but not least was my reindeer calendar.  I'm not a fan of the chocolate calendars. Each day giving your child chocolate is not something I'm a fan of.  Normally Mstr J has a playmobil one instead, but he's kinda growing out of that now, so I was desperate for something else.  I'd looked at these wooden drawer calendars, but they were all so expensive I couldn't warrant it.  But at only £12, this reindeer was magic!!! I'm thinking of buying a lego set, and giving him a piece or 2 towards building it each day! Much better than chocolate!

Miss Iz and I had a lovely girlie day shopping, and I'm super happy with my purchases. I honestly can't rate them highly enough. My mind was blown with the amount of choices. I could have bought the shop, but I know hubby would go mad! Lol

They had everything you can need, from trees, to wrapping paper, lights, baubles, crackers and much much more!

Get down to Asda now for all your Christmas needs!

Here's a little comparison for you of a couple of items I bought!! Mad what a saving you can make!!!

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